Eduardo S. Brondizio

Eduardo S. Brondizio

Elected Member: National Academies of Science

Distinguished Professor, Anthropology

Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography and School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Director, Center for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Landscapes (CASEL)

Faculty Associate: Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Individualized Major Program, Native Studies Program, Food Studies Program

External Professor: University of Campinas, Center for Environmental Studies and Research (NEPAM), Brazil

Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS). Class III-Social Sciences, Section 5 Anthropology and Archaeology

Elected [International] Associate Member, Academie d'Agriculture de France (AAF), sect 10: Economie et politique

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions, Elsevier


  • Post-Doctoral Studies, Department of Anthropology, University of Arizona, USA, 1996-1997
  • Ph.D., Concentrations Environment Sciences and Anthropology, School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Department of Anthropology, Indiana University, USA, 1991-1996
  • Certificate in Remote Sensing, National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São Paulo, Brazil, 1987-1988
  • Agronomic Engineering, Centro Ciências Agrárias, Universidade de Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil, 1982-1987

Geographical areas of specialization
Amazon; Brazil; Latin America

Research Interests
environmental and economic anthropology; land use and landscape history; institutions and collective action; household economy and demographics; livelihoods and poverty; local ecological knowledge; people-forest interaction; social-ecological complex systems analysis; global environmental and climate change; sustainability sciences; integrative methodologies

About Eduardo S. Brondizio

At Indiana University Bloomington, I have developed a research program in Environmental Anthropology that is collaborative and international, interdisciplinary and problem-oriented, and, particularly dedicated to understanding rural and urban populations and landscapes and the transformation of the Amazon. For most of my career, I have studied small farmers and rural households in Eastern Amazonia as they have interacted with commodity markets, development programs and policies, social movements, and environmental-climate change. For the past decade, my research has extended to the analysis of rural-urban household networks, urbanization and urban problems, and the governance of indigenous areas and conservation units in the region. As a microcosm of global predicaments and diversity, marked by development contradictions, social inequalities, and accelerated environmental change, the Amazon has provided me an entry point to engage on collaborative research focusing on global change and sustainability. I have strived to maintain a field-based, comparative and longitudinal research program that combines ethnography, survey, institutional analysis, geospatial methods, ecological assessments, and historical investigation, grounded in a belief that empirical analysis, theory and methodological development are inter-dependent. Brought together, I see my research as contributing to a ‘ethnographically-grounded complex systems perspective’ to the study of regional and global change. This implies examining regions such as the Amazon as dynamic social-ecological-political-historical landscapes emerging from interacting local, regional, and global processes, and defying simplistic interpretations and one-size-fits-all solutions and policies.

As expressed in various publications and research projects, I cherish opportunities to work together with colleagues and students in Anthropology, as well as across the social and natural sciences, the humanities, and with local collaborators. I value disciplinary expertise, but also see my work contributing to the breaking down of barriers across disciplines and knowledge systems and advancing problem-based conceptual frameworks and approaches to the study of human-environment interactions, development and inequality, environmental governance and sustainability. I feel privileged to work on these issues with colleagues and students in the Department of Anthropology, the Center for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Landscapes (CASEL), the Ostrom Workshop, the Sustainable Food Systems Science project, and other communities at Indiana University and beyond.

I have also been fortunate to work closely with international global change research programs, in particular, the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP), now part of the Future Earth program

of which served on the inaugural Science Committee []. I have also had the privilege of contributing to regional, national, and global assessments such as the first assessment of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP's Global Environmental Outlook (GEO-4), the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), the United Nations Inter-governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) on Forests and Food Security [IUFRU, FAO], among many others.

I recently served as the Co-Chair (with Sandra Diaz and Josef Settele) of the Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Inter-governmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) approved by 132 governments in 2019 (see references below).

I am the co-Editor-in-Chief of Global Environmental Change [Elsevier], which we consider to be the leading interdisciplinary journal on the topic. I also serve on numerous other editorial boards and international scientific committees


Graduate and authorized/senior undergraduates
  • E527: Environmental Anthropology
  • E600/G599 Research design and proposal writing in Anthropology
  • E101: Sustainability and Society
  • E200: Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • E322: Peoples of Brazil
International courses and workshops

Geospatial analysis: Short Course in Research Methods (SCRM), supported by National Science Foundation, Cultural Anthropology Program Studying the Human dimensions land use change in Amazônia. Human dimensions of land use: Research frameworks and integrative methods Spatial techniques in ethnographic research: Remote sensing applications

Teaching Publications

Kelly, J. M. and F. P. McDonald (Editors) Contributing Authors: Jason M. Kelly, Fiona P. McDonald, Alejandro Camargo, Amelia Moore, Mark Kesling, Ananya Ghoshal, George Marcus, Paul Stoller, Dominic Boyer, Serenella Iovino, Rebecca Ballestra, Eduardo S. Brondizio, Jim Enote, Ignatius Gutsa, Cymene Howe, Sue Jackson, Phil Scarpino. 2017. An Anthropocene Primer.

Field Research in Brazil

Ponta de Pedras, Marajo Island and Belém, Pará State (since 1989), TransAmazon (Altamira-Medicilandia, Pará State), (since 1992), BR-163/Santarém region, Vale do Acara (since 1995), Pará State (since 1999); Macapá, Marzagão, Amapá State (since 2006); Tefé/Mamirauá, Amazonas State (since 2021). Other sites (since 1992): Zona Bragantina and Tomé-Açu (Pará State), and Vale do Ribeira (São Paulo State).



Emerging Areas of Research: Sustainable Food Systems Science. PI- Farmer, J., Co- PIs: Babb, A., Brondizio, E., Bruce, A., Dickinson, S., Fulton, B., Giroux, S., Ipsen, C., Knudsen, D., Osterhoudt, S., Robinson, J., Todd, P., Valliant, J.D., Waldman, K.. Support: Indiana University OVPR, College of Arts and Science, School of Public and Environmental Affairs.


AGENTS: Amazonian Governance to Enable transformations to Sustainability. Support: National Science Foundation (USA), FAPESP (Brazil), NW0 (The Netherlands), Vetenskapsrådet (Sweden) [NORFACE and Belmont Forum].


CNH2-L: Integrating Cross-scale Social-Ecological Feedbacks in Freshwater Fisheries. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Indiana University-Bloomington 


Amazon biosphere reserves: Improving the resilience and halting biodiversity loss of the greater Amazon Basin. Project by UNESCO with support from the corporate group Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH). Includes 8 Biosphere Reserves in Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador.


Selected Publications

Sample Volumes and Journal Issues:

Lele, S., E. S. Brondizio, J. Byrne, G. M. Mace, and J. Martinez Alier (eds.). 2018. Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 23, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. 289. [Open access at:]

Brondizio, E. S. 2017. The Amazonian Caboclo and the Açaí palm: Forest Farmers in the Global Market.” New York: New York Botanical Garden Press. Pp. 778. [E-book version of Brondizio 2008].

Brondizio, E. S. and E. F. Moran (eds.) 2012. Human-Environment Interactions: Current and Future Directions. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Scientific Publishers. 17 chs.,434 pp.

Pinedo-Vasquez, M., M. Ruffino, C. Padoch, E. S. Brondizio (eds.). 2011. The Amazonian Várzea: the decade past and the decade ahead. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Scientific Publishers co-publication with The New York Botanical Garden Press: 362 pp.

Reynolds, H. and E. Brondizio, Jennifer Meta-Robinson (eds.). 2010. Teaching Environmental Literacy: Across Campus and Across Curriculum . Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. Pp. 212.

Brondizio, E. S. 2008. The Amazonian Caboclo and the Açaí palm: Forest Farmers in the Global Market.” New York: New York Botanical Garden Press. Pp. 402 [Winner: 2010 Mary W. Klinger Book Award of the Society for Economic Botany]

Brondizio, E. S. and J. Syvitski (Guest Editors). 2016. The Anthropocene. Special issue of Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions. Special issue organized on behalf of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP) and the International Human Dimensions Program (IHDP). Editorial and 4 articles. Volume 39.

Brondizio, E. S., Solecki, W., and R. Leemans. 2015. Climate change: A virtual special issue with commentary for COP21. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability. 29 articles.

Solecki, W., and R. Leemans, E. S. Brondizio. 2015. Open Issue Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 14. Pages 1-266 (June 2015), 30 Articles.

Sample Research Articles:

Leach, M., B. Reyers, X. Bai, E. S. Brondizio, C. Cook, S. Diaz, G. Espindola, M. Scobie, M. Stafford-Smith, S. M Subramanian. 2018. Equity in the anthropocene: Towards a transformative research agenda for a fair and sustainable world. [Cambridge] Global Sustainability  1, e13, 1–13.

Reyes-Garcia, V. A. Fernández-Llamazares, P. McElwee, Z. Molnar, K. Öllerer, S. J. Wilson, E. S. Brondizio. Forthcoming. The contributions of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to ecological restoration.  Restoration Ecology

Nagendra, H., X. Bai, E. S. Brondizio, S. Lwasa. 2018. The urban south and the predicament of Global sustainability. Nature Sustainability 1(1) 341–349 (2018).

Garnett, S.T., N. D. Burgess, J. E. Fa, Á. Fernández-Llamazares, Z. Molnár, C. J. Robinson, J. E.M. Watson, K. K. Zander, B. Austin, E. S. Brondizio, N. French Collier, T. Duncan, E. Ellis, H. Geyle, M. V. Jackson, H. Jonas, P. Malmer, B. McGowan, A. Sivongxay & I. Leiper. 2018. A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation. Nature Sustainability 1: 369-374.

Lele, S., E. S. Brondizio, J. Byrne, G. M. Mace, and J. Martinez Alier. 2018. Framing the environment. In Lele, S., E. S. Brondizio, J. Byrne, G. M. Mace, and J. Martinez Alier (eds.). 2018. Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 23, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp.: 1-20.

Bai, X., E.S. Brondizio, R.D. Bullard, G.A.S. Edwards, N.B. Grimm, A. Lora-Wainwright, B. Özkaynak, and S. Schindler. 2018. Urban Environmentalism. In: Rethinking Environmentalism: Linking Justice, Sustainability, and Diversity, ed. S. Lele, E. S. Brondizio, J. Byrne, G. M. Mace, and J. Martinez Alier. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 23, J. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp.: 127-151.

Brondizio, E. S. 2017. Interdisciplinarity as collaborative problem framing. Items: Insights from the Social Sciences. Series: Interdisciplinarity Now. Social Science Research Council, NY, USA. [Posted Oct 17, 2017]

Brondizio, E. S. 2017. Interdisciplinaridade como reflexão critica e colaborativa sobre problemas. Plataforma Brasileira sobre Biodiversidade e Servicos Ecosistémicos.  [Translation from Brondizio 2017 Items-SSRC]

Brondizio, E. S. 2017. Preface. In Martine Antona et François Bousquet (eds.) Une troisième voie entre l’Etat et le marché – Echanges avec Elinor Ostrom » - Paris, Editions Quae, 144 p.. Pp-7-10.

Mansur, A. V. , E. S. Brondizio; S. Roy; P.P.P.M. Soares; A. Newton. 2017. Adapting to urban challenges in the Amazon: Flood risk and infrastructure deficiencies in Belém, Brazil. Regional Environmental Change .

Brondizio, E. S. and R. Perez. 2017. l'Ecole de Bloomington. In M. Cornu, F. Orsi, and J. Rochfeld. Dictionnaire Critique des Communs. Presse Universitaire de France. Pp. 474-477.

Brondizio, E. S., M. Delaroche, R. Nonato Junior, S. Nasuti, F. M. Le Tourneau, M. Negrão. 2017. Instituições e ação coletiva na Amazônia: Uma abordagem metodológica e análise comparativa inicial das localidades de estudo DURAMAZ. In F. M. Le Tourneau and H. Thiery (eds). Desenvolvimento Sustentavel na Amazonia: As Análises do Projeto DURAMAZ 2007-2014. Editora UFPA, Brazil. Pp. 387-406.

Penna Firme, R. P. and E. S. Brondizio. 2017. Quilombolas como “coletividades verdes”: Contestando e incorporando o ambientalismo na Mata Atlantica, Brazil. Portuguese version: Ambiente e Sociedade, XX (2):141-162.

Penna Firme, R. P. and E. S. Brondizio. 2017. Quilombolas as “green collectives”: Contesting and incorporating environmentalism in the Atlantic forest, Brazil. English version: Ambiente & Sociedade, XX(2): 139-158.

Kohler, F., & Brondizio, E. S. 2017. Considering the needs of indigenous and local populations in conservation programs. Conservation Biology, 31(2), 245–251.

Mansur, A. V. and E. S. Brondizio. 2017. Challenges of Transitioning to Sustainable Urban Infrastructure in the Amazon Delta and Estuary. The Nature of Cities, April 2017.

Tallis H, Kreis K, Olander L, Ringler C et al. 2017. [Brondizio listed as ‘reviewer’]. Bridge Collaborative Practitioner’s Guide: Principles and Guidance for Cross-sector Action Planning and Evidence Evaluation. Washington DC: The Nature Conservancy.

Boillat, S.,, F. M. Scarpa, J. P. Robson, I. Gasparri, T. Mitchell Aide; A. P. D. Aguiar, L. O. Anderson, M. Batistella, M. G. Fonseca, C. Futemma, H. R. Grau, S. Mathez-Stiefel, J. P. Metzger, J. P. H. B. Ometto, M. A. Pedlowski, S. G. Perz, V. Robiglio, L. Soler, I. Vieira, and E. S. Brondizio. 2017. Land System Science in Latin America: challenges and perspectives. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability. 26–27:37-46, ISSN 1877-3435,

Brondizio, E. S. and F. M Le Tourneau. 2016. Environmental Governance for All. Science 352(6291):1272-1273.

Brondizio, E. S., K. O’Brien, X. Bai, F. Biermann, W. Steffen, F. Berkhout, C. Cudennec, M. C. Lemos, A. Wolfe, J. Palma-Oliveira, C-T. Arthur Chen. 2016. Re-conceptualizing the Anthropocene: A Call for Collaboration. Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions.

Brondizio, E. S., A. C. B. de Lima, S. Schramski C. Adams. 2016. Social and Health Dimensions of Climate Change in the Amazon: A Review. Annals of Human Biology.

Brondizio, E. S., N. Vogt, A. Mansur, S. Costa, E. Anthony, S. Hetrick. 2016. A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Deltas as Coupled Social Ecological Systems: An example from the Amazon River Delta and Estuary. Sustainability Sciences. Vol :1-19. DoI: 10.1007/s11625-016-0368-2

Brondizio, E. S. 2016. Entangled Futures: Anthropology’s engagement with global change research. In S. Crate and M. Nuttall (eds.) 2015. Anthropology and Climate change: From encounters to action. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. 2nd. Edition.

Brondizio, E. S., S. Fiorini, and R. Adams. 2016. History and Scope of Environmental Anthropology. In Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet the International Handbook in Environmental Anthropology. New York: Routledge Publishers. Pp. 10-30.

Mansur, A. V., E. S. Brondizio, S. Roy, S. Hetrick, N. Vogh, A. Newton. 2016. An Assessment of Urban Vulnerability in the Amazon Delta and Estuary: A multi-Criterion Index of Flood Exposure, Socio-Economic Conditions and Infrastructure. Sustainability Sciences Pp: 1-16; doi:10. 1007/ s11625-016-0355-7.

[Forthcoming] Brondizio, E. S. 2016. Commentary: Conditional Cash Transfers, Food Security and Health: biocultural insights for poverty alleviation policy from the Brazilian Amazon (Piperata et al.). Current Anthropology.

[Forthcoming] Perez, R. and E. S. Brondizio. l'Ecole de Bloomington. In M. Cornu, F. Orsi, and J. Rochfeld. Dictionnaire Critique des Communs.

Szabo, S., E. s. Brondizio, S. Hetrick, Z. Matthews, F. Renaud, Z. Sebesvari, R. J. Nicholls, S. Costa, J. A. Dearing, E. Foufoula-Georgiou.2016. Population dynamics in the context of environmental vulnerability: Comparison of the Mekong, Ganges-Brahmaputra and Amazon delta regions. Sustainability Sciences 2016 19: 1-16. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-016-0372-6.

Brondizio, E.S., E. Foufoula-Georgiou, S. Szabo, N. Vogt, Z. Sebesvari, F. G. Renaud, A. Newton, E. Anthony, A. V. Mansur, Z. Matthews, S. Hetrick, S. M. Costa, Z. Tessler, A. Tejedor, A. Longjas, John Dearing. 2016. Catalyzing action towards the sustainability of Deltas. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability 2016 19:182-194.

Brondizio, E. S. 2016. Les défies d’une COP21 réussie. Fellows. N. 7: May 1, 2016. Dossier: COP21 et Changement Climatique. Revu du Réseau français des instituts d’études avancées.

Brondizio, E. S. 2016. The elephant in the room: Amazonian cities deserve more attention in climate change and sustainability discussions. ClimaCom Cultura Científica. ANO 02 – N.2 – Special issue "Vulnerabilidade" ISSN 2359-4705. [based on Brondizio 2016 in The Nature of Cities]

Szabo, S., E. s. Brondizio, S. Hetrick, Z. Matthews, F. Renaud, R. J. Nicholls, Z. Sebesvari, S. Costa, J. A. Dearing, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, A. Tejedor, Z. Tessler.2016. Population dynamics in the context of environmental vulnerability: Comparison of the Mekong, Ganges-Brahmaputra and Amazon delta regions. ESRC Centre for Population Change. Working Paper 74. January 2016. ISSN 2042-4116. 31 pp.

Sebesvari, Z., E. Foufoula-Georgiou, I. Harrison, E. S. Brondizio, T. Bucx, J. A. Dearing, D. Ganguly, T. Ghosh, S. L. Goodbred, M. Hagenlocher, R. Hajra, C. Kuenzer, A. V. Mansur, Z. Matthews, R. J. Nicholls, K. Nielsen, I. Overeem, R. Purvaja, Md. M. Rahman, R. Ramesh, F. G. Renaud, R.S. Robin, B. Subba Reddy, G. Singh, S. Szabo, Z. D. Tessler, C. van de Guchte, N. Vogt, C. A. Wilson. 2016. Imperatives for sustainable delta futures. Policy Brief available at UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.

Brondizio, E. S. 2016. The elephant in the room: Amazonian cities deserve more attention in climate change and sustainability discussions. Collective Blog: ’The Nature of Cities’.

Brondizio, E. S., Solecki, W., and R. Leemans (eds.) 2015. Editorial: Climate change: A virtual special issue with commentary for COP21. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability. 29 articles.

Vogt, N., M. A. Pinedo-Vasquez, E. S. Brondizio, F. Rabelo, K. Fernandes, O. Almeida, R. Rivero, P. Deadman, and Y. Dou. 2016.Local Ecological Knowledge and Incremental Adaptation to Changing Flood Patterns in the Amazon Delta. Sustainability Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s11625-015-0352-2 [Special Issue: Sustainable Deltas: Livelihoods, Ecosystem Services, and Policy Implications].

Solecki, W., E. S. Brondizio. and R. Leemans, 2015. Editorial: Sustainability from theory to practice. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 14:v–vii doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2015.10.001

Bai, X., S. van der Leeuw, K. O’Brien, F. Berkhout, F. Biermann, W. Broadgate, E. S. Brondizio, C. Cudennec, J. Dearing, A. Duraiappah, M. Glaser, A. Revkin, W. Steffen, and J. Syvitski. 2015. Plausible and Desirable Futures in the Anthropocene: A New Research Agenda Submitted. Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.09.017

Siqueira, A. D. and E. S. Brondizio. Forthcoming 2015. Mudanças e Continuidades: economia florestal, serviços urbanos e unidades domésticas no Estuário Amazônico. Revista Pós Ciências Sociais. [Universidade Federal do Maranhao, Brasil] 11(22): 181-194

Vogt, N., M. Pinedo-Vasquez, E. S. Brondizio, O. Almeida, and S. Ribero. 2015. Mosaic Production Landscapes in the Amazon Estuary: Smallholder Land Use Systems, Flexibility in Land-Use Decisions and Forest Transition from WWII to Present. Society and Natural Resources An International Journal (pg.1-16)

Alessa, L., A. Kliskey, M. Barton, M. Altaweel, J. Ozik, T. Park, W. Rand, D. Brown, J. Liu, S. Bankes, S. Wang, E. Moran, E. Brondizio, J. Feddema. 2015. Best Practices for Integrating Social Sciences into Social Ecological Systems Science: Future Directions for Building a More Resilient America. A report to the US National Science Foundation. Center for Resilient Communities, University of Idaho. 53pp.

Díaz, Sandra, Sebsebe Demissew, Julia Carabias, Carlos Joly, Mark Lonsdale, Neville Ash, Anne Larigauderie, Jay Ram Adhikari, Salvatore Arico, András Báldi, Ann Bartuska, Ivar Andreas Baste, Adem Bilgin, Eduardo Brondizio et alli [71 co-authors]. 2015. The IPBES Conceptual Framework — connecting nature and people, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, Volume 14, June 2015, Pages 1-16, ISSN 1877-3435,

Brondizio, E. S. 2014. Abordagens teóricas e metodológicas para o estudo de mudança de Usos da Terra. In Ambiente e Sociedade na Amazonia : Uma Abordagem Interdisciplinar. E. Vieira, P. Toledo, e R. Araujo. Belem, Brazil : Editora do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi.

Tallis, H., J. Lubchenco et alli [238 co-authors]. 2014. Working together: A call for inclusive conservation. Nature 515 (7525): 27-28.

Brondizio, E. S. and K. Andersson. 2014. Report: Conceptual and Methodological Framework for Evaluating the Contribution of Collective Action to Biodiversity Conservation. UN-Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD): UNEP/CBD/COP/12/13/Add.5; COP-12-inf-07-en-1.doc.

*Eloy, L., E. S. Brondizio, and R. Pateo. 2014. New perspectives on mobility, urbanisation, and resource management in Amazônia. Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR). 2014: 1-16 DOI:10.1111/blar.1226

Brondizio, E. S. and T. Von Holt. 2014. Geospatial Analysis in Anthropology. In H. R. Bernard and C. L. Gravelee (eds.) Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Lanham, Maryland: Altamira Press. Chapter 19, p. 601-629.

Tengö, M; Malmer, P; Brondizio, E; Elmqvist, T; Spierenburg, M. 2014. A Multiple Evidence Base approach to connecting diverse knowledge systems for ecosystem governance. AMBIO. DOI 10.1007/s13280-014-0501-3

Brondizio, E. S., N. Vogt, and A. Siqueira 2013. Forest Resources, City Services: Globalization, Household Networks, and Urbanization in the Amazon estuary. In K. Morrison, S. Hetch, and C. Padoch (eds). The Social Life of Forests. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Pp. 348-361.

Medeiros, H., Murrieta, RSS, Adams, C., Brondizio, ES. 2013. Scientific and Local Knowledge of Ungulates in Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Revealing Convergences and Complementarities. Journal of Ethnobiology 01/2013, 33:180-202.

Medeiros, H., Murrieta, RSS, Adams, C., Brondizio, ES. 2014.Local and scientific knowledge for assessing the use of fallows and mature forest by large mammals in SE Brazil: identifying singularities in folk ecology. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 01/2014, 10(1): 7

Brondizio, E. S. 2013. A microcosm of the Anthropocene: Socioecological complexity and social theory in the Amazon. Perspectives: Journal de la Reseaux Francaise d’Institut d'études avancées (RFIEA). N. 10: 10-13 [Autumn 2013]

Duraiappah AK, S. T. Asah, E. S. Brondizio, N. Kosoy, P. O’Farrel, A-H Prieur-Richard, K. Takeuchi. 2014. The New Commons: Matching the Mis-Matches. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 7:94–100

Welch, J., E. S. Brondizio, C. Coimbra, S. Hetrick. 2013. Indigenous Burning as Conservation Practice: Neotropical Savanna Recovery amid Agribusiness Deforestation in Central Brazil. PLOS ONE. December 2013, Volume 8, Issue 12 e81226

Brondizio, E. S., E. Ostrom, and O. R. Young. 2013. Analyse et gouvernance des systèmes socio écologiques multi-niveaux. Management et Avenir 65, 2013/7: 108-140. 10.3917/mav.065.0108 [translation reduced version of Brondizio, Ostrom, and Young 2009]

Ballestero, E. and E. S. Brondizio. 2013. Building negotiated agreement: The emergence of community based tourism in Floreana (Galapagos Islands). Human Organization 72(4): 323-335

Kumar, P., E. Brondizio, F. Gatzweiler, J. Gowdy, D. de Groot, U. Pascual, B. Reyers, P. Sukhdev. 2013. The economics of ecosystem services: from local analysis to national policies. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.

Brondizio, E. S. and E. F. Moran. 2012. Level-dependent deforestation trajectories in the Amazon: 1970-2001. Population and Environment. DOI 10.1007/s11111-011-0159-8 [electronic version December 2011].

Brondizio, E. S. 2012. Institutional crafting and the vitality of rural areas in an urban world: Perspectives from a Japanse community in the Amazon. Global Environmental Research 16(2): 145-152

Guedes, G., E. S. Brondizio, A. Resende, R. P. Penna-Firme, and I. Cavallini. 2012. Poverty Dynamics and Income Inequality in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon – A Multidimensional Approach. Human Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s10745-011-9444-5.

Brondizio, E. S., F. Gatzweiler, C. Zagrafos, M. Kumar. 2010. Socio-cultural context of ecosystem and biodiversity valuation.(Chapter 4) In P. Kumar (ed.) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB). United Nations Environmental Programme and the European Commission. London, UK: Earthscan Press. Pp. 150-181.

Brondizio, E. S. 2011. Forest Resources, Family Networks and the Municipal Disconnect: Examining Recurrent Underdevelopment in the Amazon Estuary. In M. Pinedo-Vasquez, M., M. Ruffino, C. Padoch,. E. S. Brondizio (eds.) The Amazonian Várzea: the decade past and the decade ahead. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Publishers co-publication with The New York Botanical Garden Press. Pg. 207-232.

Brondizio, E. S., E. Ostrom, O. Young. 2009. Connectivity and the Governance of Multilevel Socio-ecological Systems: The Role of Social Capital. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 34:253–78

Brondizio, E. S., A. Cak, M. Caldas, C. Mena; R. Bilsborrow, C. T. Futemma, E. F. Moran, M. Batistella, and T. Ludewigs. 2009. Small Farmers and Deforestation in Amazônia. In M. Keller, M. Bustamante, J. Gash, and P. Silva Dias (eds.) Amazônia and Global Change: A Synthesis of LBA Research. World Scientific Publishing (American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Series 186). Pp. 117-143.

Guedes, G., S. M. Costa, and E. S. Brondizio. 2009. Revisiting the Hierarchy of Urban Areas in the Brazilian Amazon: a multilevel model using multivariate fuzzy cluster methodology. Population and Environment 30(4):159-DOI 10.1007/s11111-009-0083-3

Ludewigs, T., D’antona, A. de O., Brondizio, E.S., Hetrick, S. 2009. Agrarian Structure and Land Use Change along the Lifespan of Three Colonization Areas in the Brazilian Amazon. World Development (2009), 37(10) doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2008.08.018.

Padoch, C., E.S. Brondizio, S. Costa, M. Pinedo-Vasquez, R. Sears and A. Siqueira. 2008. Urban Forest and Rural Cities: Multi-sited Households, Consumption Patterns, and Forest Resources in Amazonia. Ecology and Society 13(2): 2 [online] URL:

Brondizio, E. S. and E. F. Moran.2008. Human Dimensions of Climate Change: The vulnerability of small farmers in the Amazon. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 363, 1803–1809.

For a complete publication list, please contact Prof. Brondizio.