Concentration, Archaeology + Social Context

Ph.D. Concentration, Archaeology + Social Context

Our Ph.D. concentration in Archaeology and Social Context bridges the subfields of social-cultural anthropology and archaeology to address archaeological issues as they apply to contemporary peoples.

If you choose to pursue this track, you are expected to follow a course of study that will provide you with a general background in the discipline of anthropology, and a broad knowledge of the fields of social-cultural anthropology and archaeology, including theoretical issues and field and laboratory methods.

You are expected to develop individualized interest areas that may include, but are not limited to, cultural property, public archaeology, archaeological ethics, heritage management, and repatriation.

Course requirements for this concentration

Course requirements for this concentration include the subfield requirements in the major, and the following:

  1. Archaeological Ethics (P509)
  2. Issues in Archaeology and Social Context (P604)
  3. A minimum of 4 courses in the major subfield, one of which must be a methods course and the other a pro-seminar (P500 or E500).
  4. A minimum of 3 courses in the inside minor subfield, one of which must be a methods course.
  5. A minimum of 3 courses in a culture area, of which at least one should be concerned with the past of that area, and at least one with current issues.
  6. At least one graduate level course in linguistic anthropology or bioanthropology.
  7. Outside minor—consult with your outside minor advisor for their department’s course requirements.

These courses may be double-counted, fulfilling more than one requirement.

In cases where the required courses above are not offered during a student’s tenure or a course does not fit well with a student’s individualized research plan, students can request to take an equivalent course or can request a waiver (exemption) from these requirements. These permissions are granted at the discretion of the student’s advisor.

It is recommended that all students take this course: Museum practicum or internship (A408)

Subfield and inside minor

Depending on your specific interests, the major subfield will be either Archaeology or Social-Cultural Anthropology, with the other subfield constituting the inside minor.

Advisory committee

The advisory committee will consist of four members, at least one of whom is a member of the Archaeology and Social Context faculty. Members of the advisory committee will include representatives from the major subfield, inside minor, and outside minor.

Qualifying examination

The Ph.D. qualifying examination consists of the following:

  1. A written examination in archaeology and social context, prepared by the Advisory Committee. It will be approximately 4 hours in duration.
  2. A written examination composed by the advisor(s) in the major subfield, approximately 4 hours in duration.
  3. A written examination composed by the advisor(s) in the inside minor, approximately 4 hours in duration.
  4. An outside minor examination to be given by and at the discretion of the outside minor advisor.