2025 Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) Symposium
416 N. Indiana Avenue Bloomington, IN 47408
Featuring a keynote lecture by:
Dr. Mintzi Auanda Martínez-Rivera
Assistant Professor of English (Folklore) and Latinx Studies
The Ohio State University
The Annual Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) Symposium is hosted by AGSA at Indiana University, Bloomington each spring. The Symposium provides a venue for graduate students in anthropology and related fields to share their research with the larger departmental, university, and Bloomington communities. We welcome presentations from students at all stages and especially encourage students to present formal conference papers, dissertation proposals, or works-in-progress. Additionally, to facilitate engagement between students and faculty, faculty serve as discussants for each panel.
This year’s Symposium is oriented around the theme of Liminality. The concept of liminality, first introduced by anthropologist Arnold van Gennep (1909) and later developed by Victor Turner (1967), has become a fundamental theoretical framework in anthropological research. Originally conceptualized to understand the transitional phase in rites of passage, liminality has evolved to describe various states of “in-betweenness” across social, cultural, and political domains.
Students will have 15 minutes to present papers or proposals. Poster presentations will occur at a designated time in which students will have about an hour to present and answer attendee questions as needed.
Attendance and participation in the Symposium are free and open to both graduate and undergraduate students from any department.
More information can be found on our Symposium website: https://iuagsasymposium.wordpress.com/
Further inquiries can be directed to the AGSA Symposium Organizing Committee at iuagsasymposium@gmail.com or the Symposium Chair (tdimarti@iu.edu).