Featured online course offerings.
Summer 2020

A208 - Arts + Expressive Behavior
Topic: Native American Art + Pop Culture
In this class, students will learn how to critically engage with Native American art and its cultural, social, and political contexts. Students will also learn about Anthropology’s unique role in the aquisition, display, and interpretation of Native American art.

A211 - Topics in the Sciences
Topic: Archaeometallurgy: The Origin of Metals
From swords to smartphones, humans have extracted, mined, and manipulated metals for thousands of years. This course will explore the historical and envioronmental impact of humanity’s use of metals through engaging activities and the global lens of archaeology.

A122 - Interpersonal Communication
A Cultural Approach
Communication, Culture, Identity, Power How people use everyday conversation to create their world from North Africa to North America, 17th-century Quakers to a contemporary Deaf church, and grade school to college.

B200 - Bioanthropology
How have we come to be the humans we are today? Using online lecture and activities, we will examine humans as biological beings in the context of human evolutionary history, culture, and behavior.