You are invited to attend AGSA’s Multidisciplinary Student Symposium held at Indiana University Bloomington
27 March 2020
Situating Anthropology: Understanding Social Context
Our theme this year stresses the importance of multidisciplinary in linking the human experience to social context. We therefore welcome research from all departments which explore some aspect of what it means to be human, from sociality, to cognition, to language, and beyond!
Attendance and participation are FREE, and open to both graduate and undergraduate students.
Abstract submission deadline is 21 February 2020
We welcome attendees to contribute research under the following formats:
· Distinguished Student Talks (Skomp Recipients only)
· Podium Talks
· Poster Presentations
If you choose to submit (and we hope you do!), please send your abstract to the AGSA president, MacKenzie DiMarco In your email, please indicate if you prefer a poster or podium presentation. This year’s Skomp recipients will automatically be designated as a Distinguished Student Talk.
Please note that we will limit the number of podium talks to ~20. First come, first served, with some discretion to highlight excellent student research.
This year's honored guest speaker:
Davina Ruth Two Bears, PhD
Anne Ray Fellow
School for Advanced Research
**Submission Guidelines**
**Word limit for abstract text (not including title and author names and affiliations): 250
**File name when submitting: PLEASE name your file with the last name of the presenting author (e.g. Benavidez_AGSA2020.docx).
**Recycling talks: Feel free to use this symposium to practice talks for other conferences!
**Formatting: Please use a format appropriate for your respective field of study.