Stuart Sones
The Affective Resonance of Online Self-Ruqya Healing
Course: ANTH-E600 Anthropology of Affect, Professor Lepselter
IU’s Anthropology department hosted a departmental graduation and award ceremony virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held via Zoom on April 30th, 2021.
The Affective Resonance of Online Self-Ruqya Healing
Course: ANTH-E600 Anthropology of Affect, Professor Lepselter
Literatures of Transformation: Gender in the Archaeology of Central Asia
Course: ANTH-P399 Archaeology of Central Asia, Professor Pyburn
Archaeological Field School, Granada, Nicaragua
Alexis Bujtas
Spencer Bures*
Toni Deckard
Madeline R. Everhart*
Natalia Lange*
Stuart Sones*
David Bidney Graduate Paper Prize
A prize of $200 awarded for the best paper written by a graduate student for a regular course during the previous calendar year.
“Asked and (Un)Answered: Negotiating Genre and Authority in Sealaska Corporation’s Q&A Sessions.”
Course: ANTH L600 Ethnography of Communication, Professor Graber
Harold K. Schneider Graduate Paper Prize in Economic Anthropology
A prize of $200 awarded for the best paper in Economic Anthropology, broadly defined to include material culture, archaeology, and food studies, written by an anthropology graduate student during the previous calendar year.
“A Marxist Critique of the American Food Justice Movement: Capitalism, Anti-Racism, and Political Economy.”
Course: GEOG-G830, Readings in Geography, Professor Dunn
Outstanding Advanced Anthropology Student Scholarship
This is a new scholarship endowed in 2021 by Anthropology Department Alumna Susan Aitel to recognize an advanced graduate student with outstanding scholarly achievements over the past year. Comes with a substantial cash award.
For his work in digital media & queer studies, with an ethnographic focus in the Middle East and North Africa
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Sergio Arredondo
Audrey Bird
Spencer Bures (PBK)*
Amelia Corbin
Cori Cox
Toni Deckard (PBK)
Madeline Everhart (PBK)*
Miriam Fakhoury (PBK)
Preet Gill
Maclaren Guthrie Larimer
Erin Hanson
Briana Lander
Juliana Richards
Alanna (Nicole) Robertson
Jonathan Romo
Olivia Ryan
Lauren Schumacher
Alexandra Short
Sophie Simms
Stuart Sones (PBK, Honors)*
Scott Stillions
Keelin Walser
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Linguistics
Alexis Bujtas (PBK)
Natalia Lange (PBK, Honors)*
Drew Schimpf
Michael Smith
Master of Arts in Anthropology
Maddy Adams
Molly Bleyhl
Tori Galloway
Click on individual PhD graduate video link to witness their advisors awarding them their degrees.
Note: Click “play” and the video will immediately start at the beginning of that individual’s timestamp.
Communicative Practices and Social Integration: An Intergenerational Study of Women of Turkish Descent in Northeastern France (Graber & Suslak)
Notes toward Wasteland: Information Exchange and Alterity in Hudson's Bay Company Travel Writing from the Snake River Basin, 1824-1829
Momo, Motherhood, and the 7 Train: Exiled Tibetan Women in New York City
Biological Normalcy and Body Fat: Investigating Relationships between Obesity Prevalence, Fat Stigma, and Allostatic Load
Mobile Lives, Flexible Livelihoods: Inter-Generational Change in Amazonian Communities
The evolutionary role of dietary adaptations and their health outcomes among indigenous people of Chile
An Ancient DNA Perspective on Mound 72, Cahokia
Diasporic Identities in the Age of Rising China: Tracing Contestations of China's Presence in Jamaica
Infant Feeding Practices and Maternal Work in Urban and Rural Tamil Nadu, India
Creating the Sowei: Repairing and Interpreting Sowei Masks in Global Assemblages
Navigating parental Fitness: Noncitizen Latino Parents and Transnational Reunification
A Historical Ethnography of the Fort McDermitt Palute-Shoshone
Global circuits of fertility: The political economy of the Ukrainian ova market
This collection of screenshots were taken by Jason Baird Jackson during the Indiana University Department of Anthropology Graduation and Awards Celebration held online with Zoom on April 30, 2021 at 4 p.m. Department Chair Andrea Wiley hosted the event with assistance from various members of the faculty. The context of the event was the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which caused university celebrations and gatherings to be reimagined for the continued safety and welfare of the department's faculty, staff, and students. Images are named by last name. Last names can be read against the PDF program for details on the accomplishments of the student (and faculty) participants. Not every awardee or participant was recorded in a screenshot, but the collection presents a sample of B.A., Ph.D. and faculty participants with an emphasis on honorees and those with speaking parts. Parents, friends, and family were also present. One distinctive characteristic of the event was the adaptation of commencement customs to the makeshift practices typical of the pandemic. Undergraduates wore various bits and pieces of cobbled together regalia, including (it appeared) high school caps and gowns. For the doctoral students, many were "hooded" with scarves and other hood-like garments by loved ones with whom they were quarantined. For the record, I note with appreciation the hard work of my colleagues (faculty and staff) in putting together a moving program, one that was well emceed by Professor Wiley. I believe that the proceedings were recorded by Professor Wiley and thus a video record may be available for preservation.
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