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Cheryl Munson
Assistant Scientist, Anthropology
Assistant Scientist, Anthropology
Cheryl Ann Munson presented a paper at the Society for American Archaeology “Overview of the Bone Bank Archaeological Project, Posey County, Indiana: Rescue Investigations at a Late Mississippian Site” at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Montreal. Co-authors were Patrick J. Munson, Leslie L. Bush (IU Ph.D. 2001), and A. Gwynn Henderson.
She co-organized a symposium on “Emerging Perspectives on Mississippian at the Falls of the Ohio River” at the 50th Midwest Archaeological Conference and the 61st Southeastern Archaeological Conference, St. Louis, MO, and presented a paper, “Prather Site (12CL4), Clark County, Indiana: The 2003 Baseline Survey,” co-authored by Robert McCullough of IPFW (undergraduate IU alumnus).